Jul 8, 2020

When Should You Get Your Oil ChangedEnsuring your vehicle is regularly maintained is part of being a responsible owner, but how often should you have your oil changed? And why is it so important to choose a dealership service center like Flood Mazda? 

How Often Should You Get an Oil Change? 

The answer to this question depends on your vehicle. Most automotive manufacturers recommend oil changes every 7,500 to 10,000 miles, while others recommend 5,000-mile intervals. How often you’ll need to bring your car in for an oil change depends on its make and model, type of engine oil, and your own driving habits. 

But what do these numbers translate to in terms of time? Again, it depends on how much you drive. For example, a manufacturer might recommend changing your oil every 7,500 miles or every six months, but they specify the importance of whichever comes first. If it’s only been four months and you’ve already driven 7,500 miles and that’s your recommended mileage interval, it’s time for an oil change. 

Warranty-Covered Oil Changes 

When your vehicle is still under warranty, you’ll need to follow the recommendations outlined in your owner’s manual. These recommendations include the type of oil your vehicle needs and at what mileage to have the oil changed. If you’ve lost your owner’s manual, don’t worry — you can generally find one available to download online. If not, your Mazda-certified technician can look up the information for you. 

Depending on your vehicle’s make and model, it might have a built-in monitor that keeps track of driving hours, engine revs, idling hours, driving hours, cold starts, and temperatures to calculate the oil’s condition, thereby estimating oil-change intervals. This display is different from the standard red oil-pressure light that comes on when the car is idle or in drive. If this red light illuminates, you should bring your vehicle in for an inspection immediately as it could indicate serious engine issues. 

Out-of-Warranty Oil Changes 

Once your vehicle’s warranty runs out, you’re not required to adhere to the manufacturer’s oil-change recommendations. Even so, it’s important to keep your vehicle properly maintained, which includes changing the oil at regular intervals. 

Most service technicians recommend frequent oil changes (between 3,000 and 5,000 miles). Although shorter intervals don’t pose any disadvantages to your engine, you’ll probably start to feel it hit your checkbook, especially if other items like coolant, brake pads, and tires are replaced every time your vehicle is on the lift. 

Unless you’re driving your car in extreme conditions or your vehicle is old enough to start burning through oil, you can typically stick with the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding oil and filter changes. If your car uses synthetic oil that offers a projected 10,000 to 12,000-mile-change interval, you can go even longer. 

Getting an Oil Change at Flood Mazda 

Don’t trust just anyone with your vehicle maintenance. Our team at Flood Mazda is well-trained and certified to handle all your service appointments, including oil changes. We’ll even help you stay up to date on Mazda’s recommended guidelines. Contact Flood Mazda to schedule your next oil change today.