Oct 15, 2021
Behind the wheel

There are a lot of additional problems that can arise when driving at night. It is important to drive with caution so that you can stay safe on the road. Here are five safety tips that you can use to reduce the risk of accident or injury on the road.

1. Minimize Distractions

Because your visual capabilities are reduced at night, you should minimize distractions. Music can help you focus, but you should avoid playing the radio too loud. Try to set up a playlist before your trip so that you are not messing around trying to find something to listen to. Refrain from using your phone, and try to keep the interior lights in the vehicle off. This will help you focus on the road. 

2. Watch for Wildlife

Animals can be harder to see in the dark, and they can dart out in front of your vehicle, catching you off guard. You should be prepared to handle encounters with wildlife on the road, especially driving through rural areas. If an animal runs out onto the road, you should try to avoid an impact by engaging your brakes instead of swerving. Although it may be your first reaction, swerving can cause you to lose control of your vehicle, making things much worse.

3. Know When to Quit

Driving when you are tired is very hazardous. Although you may feel obligated to push through your exhaustion, it isn’t worth risking your life over. If you feel like you are unable to stay awake on the road, then you should pull off and get some rest. When you know you will be taking a long trip, or you will have to drive late at night, make sure that you are adequately rested before the drive.

4. Watch for Reckless Drivers

Other drivers on the road may be under the influence, tired, or just reckless. You may feel more tempted to speed when there are fewer people around, and you are in a hurry. Make sure that you are always aware of your surroundings, and watch out for other drivers who may not be acting responsibly. Also, be prepared for people to use their headlights improperly and cause visual disturbances too.

5. Drive Responsibly

Ensure that you are mentally ready to get behind the wheel, especially at night. If you have been drinking, or you feel tired, then it isn’t a good idea to drive. Otherwise, drive carefully, focusing on the road, and avoid the temptation to speed even if you are in a hurry. It’s better to arrive at your destination safely than not at all.
Remember, drive carefully at night to ensure your safety on the road. If you would like a reliable and safe vehicle, we can help you with that too. Contact us today at Flood Mazda of Wakefield, and we can help you with any of your automotive needs. When it comes to safety and quality, we have your back. We look forward to seeing you soon!