Oct 8, 2021
Transmission diagram

Transmissions are an integral component of your vehicle and are something that needs to be monitored and maintained on a regular basis. Your transmission is in constant use, so wear and tear are inevitable. There are certain things you might be able to do on your own like replacing transmission fluid and changing filters, but the best way to avoid transmission problems is to have it regularly serviced at the suggested milestones at your Mazda dealer.

1. The Warning Light Is On

Your ‘check engine’ light could mean a number of things, including problems with your transmission. Newer vehicles may even have advanced technology that can alert you to specific problems such as your transmission. It’s always a good idea to get a diagnostics test when this light comes on, and if it comes on with some of the other symptoms listed below, there’s a good chance that there’s a problem with your transmission and it’s time for service.

2. It Is Leaking Fluid

Your transmission fluid should remain constant. It does not burn off and decrease like motor oil, rather, it needs to be flushed sometimes. You can check your transmission levels with a dipstick to make sure that your level is not decreasing. If you notice that it’s not reaching the correct line on the dipstick it could be a sign of a leak. Also, if you notice any bright red pooling on the road beneath your vehicle, it’s most likely transmission fluid.

3. There Are Burning Smells

Burning smells from your vehicle could be a variety of things including oil, tires, belts, and even transmission fluid. If the burning smell is a result of the transmission, you will notice a slightly sweet and distinct smell. This tends to happen when the fluid’s consistency degrades to a thinner state and gets burnt up, which can cause more significant damage to your engine. You’ll want to get this checked out at soon as possible.

4. It’s Making Strange Noises

Like most things on this list, strange noises can mean a few different things. If it’s related to the transmission, it will usually occur when you are shifting gears. If you have a manual transmission this can happen over time if you change gears haphazardly. With an automatic, you might notice a grinding noise when the vehicle is shifting gears. The transition will not feel as smooth as it normally does, and you could feel a jolt.

5. Slow Response Time When Switching Gears

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as lag time or slow response time, in regard to performance when changing gears, there could be a problem with a worn-out clutch or gear. You know your car best and if there is anything abnormal happening when your car switches gears, it’s usually a tell-tale sign of a problem with the transmission.
If you find any of the above symptoms familiar to your vehicle, don’t hesitate, schedule an appointment today at Flood Mazda and let our certified professionals have a look.