Jan 12, 2024
The headlight of a red car

The value of a car starts decreasing as soon as it’s driven off the lot. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that your Mazda doesn’t hold any worth. The trick is to preserve as much of its value as while you own it. Below are tips from your Mazda dealer on how to maintain the resale value of your car.

Watch the Mileage

According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), people drive an average of 13,476 miles annually. If your mileage exceeds 20,000 miles, this is regarded as heavy usage. It is important to note that a car’s value sharply declines once it reaches 100,000 miles.

Drive With Caution

Driving with caution is important if you want your car to maintain its value and last longer. Avoid driving too fast, using the accelerator and brakes excessively, revving your engine too much, and navigating poor roads or driving through potholes that can cause damage. It would be best to avoid parking in tight spaces where your car can get scratched or dented.

Avoid Excessive Wear

Many individuals use their automobiles for purposes beyond commuting, and such usage can leave its mark. Hauling boats and recreational vehicles, transporting heavy goods, taking unnecessary trips, and overloading the vehicle can result in significant wear and tear.

This excessive wear may reduce the car’s value, even if it runs flawlessly. Additionally, scratches, dings, chips, and rust can diminish the appeal of a pre-owned vehicle to prospective buyers.

Protect the Interior and Exterior

To safeguard your car’s interior from the harmful effects of sun exposure, consider using window protectors or sun shades that can prevent damage to the dashboard and upholstery. Regularly clean and detail the car’s interior using specialized products.

If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, park your vehicle in a garage or under a cover to protect the exterior from damage due to exposure to the elements. 

Get Regular Maintenance Services

Follow your vehicle’s service schedule and stick to the maintenance intervals in your owner’s manual. To keep your Mazda in tip-top shape, make sure your Mazda technician changes the oil every 3,000 to 7,500 miles or every six months and perform regular inspections, fluid corrections, adjustments, and replacements at the intervals recommended by the factory.

Keep Your Mazda’s Service Records

Maintaining a service record will help demonstrate to potential buyers that you have cared for your Mazda. A well-maintained vehicle with a documented service history is more reliable and valuable.

Treat your Mazda as an investment and maintain it with utmost care. Contact Flood Mazda today to book a maintenance service. Our certified Mazda technicians will assist you in keeping your vehicle in top-running condition.

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