Jun 24, 2020

How to Keep Your Car Running Like New Maintaining your vehicle is key to prolong the engine life and keep it running smoothly. As such, it’s important to know what a routine maintenance schedule involves and how you can stay vigilant to subtle signs that indicate it’s time to make a service appointment. Here are just a few routine services you can get at Flood Mazda.

Oil Change

An oil change involves replacing your vehicle’s oil and oil filter at regular intervals depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. In general, most modern engines should have an oil change every 5,000 to 7,500 miles, although this figure varies depending on your make and model and the type of oil used.

Over time, oil collects debris and, in extreme cases, turns to sludge, reducing its effectiveness for lubricating the engine’s moving parts. Debris can also cause corrosion throughout the engine, leading to bigger issues. Scheduling a regular oil and filter change at a Mazda-certified dealership service center like Flood Mazda ensures your engine remains operating in peak condition.

Tire Rotation

Tire rotation is the periodic changing of each tire’s position on your vehicle. Most experts recommend scheduling a tire rotation every 5,000 miles, so it’s a good rule of thumb to request this service when scheduling an oil change.

Having your tires rotated ensures that each tire wears evenly. For example, if you have a front-wheel-drive vehicle and fail to rotate your tires, those front tires will wear out much faster than the rear tires. When tires wear unevenly, you might experience high noise levels or vibration inside the cabin. Worn tires also make it more difficult to control your vehicle in slippery conditions.

On top of having your tires regularly rotated, it’s important to invest in a new set of tires every six years or sooner if the treads are worn.

Fluid Top-Offs

Aside from engine oil, your car requires a lot of fluids to keep its many components running smoothly. Any scheduled maintenance should include fluid inspections, top-offs, and replacements as needed. This includes transmission fluid, brake fluid, coolant, and power steering fluid.

Brake fluid gives your brakes the power and pressure needed to stop your vehicle, and it should be replaced every one to two years. Coolant is a necessary fluid that helps control heat under the hood, while power steering fluid helps supply power to your steering wheel, allowing you to turn it easily.

Transmission fluid cools down your vehicle and lubricates an entire system that would be costly to replace should it fall into disrepair. Nobody wants to deal with transmission problems, so pay close attention to how often your transmission fluid is checked and replaced. You might even learn to inspect it yourself for any changes in color that indicate it’s time for new fluid.

Never trust just anyone with your Mazda’s routine maintenance. Rely on the highly trained and certified technicians at Flood Mazda for all your service appointments. From preventative car maintenance to general automotive repair, we’re the one-stop service shop you’ll rely on.