Mar 26, 2021

It’s important to keep up with maintenance if you want your Mazda to last. It might not be fun, but it’s necessary in order to minimize your chances of bigger problems down the road. Below are six car maintenance tasks you should perform regularly to keep your vehicle running optimally and extend its life for as long as possible.

Test the Air Pressure in Your Spare Tire Once a Month

Whether due to road hazards or simply wear and tear, flat tires happen. While a flat tire isn’t the most serious of car problems, the last thing you want to do is pop open your trunk to find that your spare tire is flat, too. You should check the air pressure in your tires, and your spare, once a month.

Check Your Brakes

You want your car to stop and go as efficiently as possible to keep yourself and any passengers safe. If you hear a squealing sound when you hit the brakes, it may be because your brake pads are wearing out. Worn-out brake pads will cause your vehicle to decelerate slower than it normally would, putting anyone inside at risk. Make sure to have your brakes and brake fluid checked whenever you change your oil, or if you hear high-pitch screeching when you press on the brakes.

Don’t Neglect the Battery

A strong, functioning battery is necessary to keep your car running at full speed. Unfortunately, the battery is a part of the vehicle few pay attention to until it dies. Check regularly for corrosion, a white or bluish substance that forms on your car battery’s terminals. If you notice corrosion starting to build up, you can disconnect your battery from your vehicle and use a small wire brush to clean the terminals.

Get Your Oil Changed Regularly

Issues with your motor’s oil, whether it’s too dirty or too low, can lead to a host of expensive repairs. Check out your owner’s manual to find out when to change your oil and which oil to use. If you’re unsure, a good rule of thumb is to get your oil changed every 5,000 miles.

Check or Change Your Air Filter

If you’ve ever wondered how your vehicle keeps dirt, dust, and tiny particles in the air out of your engine, it’s because of your air filter. It’s an extremely important job and one in which you want your air filter to perform well. Change your air filter once a year, or at least every 12,000 miles.

Rotate Your Tires

No matter how new or high-quality your tires are, they’re going to wear down eventually, and all of your tires won’t wear down at the same rate, or even in the same areas. You can save several hundred dollars on new tires by rotating the ones you have every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.

The lifespan of your vehicle will depend on how well you take care of it. Regular maintenance may be a pain in the neck sometimes, but taking the time to inspect important areas of your vehicle, and spending a few dollars now, can significantly extend the life of your car and save you a bundle later on. If you’d like to know more about how you can take care of your vehicle, contact Flood Mazda in Wakefield, RI today.