Mar 10, 2023
Some clouds over a long road

Defensive driving is the ability to anticipate hazards and other potential problems. Some drivers are new on the road and can make avoidable mistakes. Other drivers, unfortunately, engage in risky behavior like texting while driving. Like any ability, driving defensively improves with practice. As your Mazda dealer, we’d like to share some tips on the best ways to practice this ability.

Always be Prepared

Accidents can happen at any time. A pedestrian could step off the sidewalk without looking, or a driver could open the door of his parked car. The best way to be prepared is to put your body in the right position for action. Sit up straight in your seat, and always keep both hands on the wheel. When you’re in this position, your reflexes will automatically respond faster.

In addition, keep your eyes on the rod ahead while stealing glances regularly in the rearview and side mirrors. This is part of regular driver’s ed, but many drivers lose these habits over time. If you’re constantly away from your driving surroundings and your body is positioned for a quick response, you’ll be prepared for anything that might happen.

Control Speed and Distance

It’s very easy to go over the speed limit or reduce your driving distance, especially if you’re driving in a familiar area. It’s human nature to relax a little under these circumstances. Accidents can happen even when you drive in a familiar place. To be safe, always keep to the posted speed and take driving conditions like rain or snow into account. Accidents are 50% more likely to happen if you’re driving over the posted speed.

Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you allows enough time to respond. Some drivers may suddenly slam on their brakes without thinking. If you’re following too close, an accident could result.

Be Aware of Road Rage

Some drivers behave aggressively when they’re behind the wheel. They may honk, gesture, or swear at the drivers around them. This type of driver is likely to speed up and change lanes without due care. These are examples of the phenomena known as road rage. Drivers exhibiting this condition are focused only on themselves and are uncaring about anyone else on the road.

The dangerous behavior of road rage drivers makes it imperative to get out of their way as soon as it’s safe. Changing to a safer lane and allowing an angry driver to speed past you can save you from an accident. Aggressive driving is also a crime, and it’s advisable to report it to the police as soon as it’s safe for you to do so.

If you’d like more tips on driving defensively, visit us at Flood Mazda.

Image via Pixabay